I Look Forward to Continuing Our Conversation and the Next Step of the Hiring Process

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The hiring process can be anxiety-provoking, so don't hesitate to ask about what comes next. Knowing what to expect after your interview can give you more insight into the company culture and give you a clue as to whether or not they're considering others for the position. Ideally, you should ask about the next steps in the process at the end of the interview. However, if you forgot or didn't get a clear answer, calling or emailing them afterward is an appropriate alternative.

  1. 1

    Ask about the hiring process. It's common for employers to ask you if you have any questions about the job or the process, but they may not always ask. Asking about the next step directly will show initiative and that you're excited about the job.[1]

    • Ask: "What happens after the interview in your hiring process?" or "When do you expect to make a decision?"
    • Depending on the type of work, they may tell you they're going to check your references or hold another round of interviews.
  2. 2

    Inquire if there's anything you need to do before they make an offer. This will help inform a tentative hiring timeline and shows the interviewer that you're eager and willing to do what's necessary to get the job. Depending on the work, you may need to get fingerprinted, submit a background check, or take an assessment test.[2]

    • Ask: "Is there anything I need to do before you make an offer?" or "Do you need any documents from me?"


  3. 3

    Request to know when you can expect to hear from them. Asking about the timeline for their hiring process will help you plan for the near future.[3] It'll also give you an idea of when you should make a follow-up call if that day passes by without hearing from them.[4]

    • Ask: "When can I expect to hear from you?" or "What days will you be holding the second round of interviews?"
  4. 4

    Set up a point of contact. A point of contact is someone you can call to inquire about your application status. Often, it will be the person who interviewed you but don't assume that's always the case.[5]

    • Ask: "Who can I contact about the hiring process?" or "Should I contact you or someone else if I have any questions moving forward?"[6]
    • Ask for their business card, if possible, so you have the correct spelling of their name and email address.
  5. 5

    Clarify whether you should call or email them to follow up. Your potential employer may have a million things going on, so it's important to respect their boundaries and preferences—you don't want your phone call to disrupt their day! It's more respectful to ask how you should contact them instead of assuming what works for you will also work for them.[7]

    • Ask: "How do you prefer I reach out to you?" or "Do they prefer that I email or call them?"
    • If they have given you a business card, circle the preferred contact information so you don't forget.
    • If possible, ask what a good time to call would be.
  6. 6

    Reiterate your interest in the job. Letting the interviewer know how excited you are about the opportunity will show passion and drive. Keep it simple because gushing too much can come off as disingenuous.[8]

    • For instance, you might say, "Our discussion has made me excited about the work and I'd love to join the team if you think I'm a good fit."
  7. 7

    Thank the interviewer for meeting with you. Showing gratitude is a sign of respect and will leave a good impression. Whether your interview is in person or via phone or video chat, thanking them is one of the last things you should say before you leave or end the call. Use their first name if they've established you can call them that. Otherwise, use their full name.[9]

    • Say: "Thank you for your time, Mary, I enjoyed our discussion" or "I appreciate your taking the time to speak with me, Mrs. Normet."
    • If they offer you a handshake, shake their hand confidently with a firm (but not too firm!) grip.
  8. Advertisement

  1. 1

    Call your point of contact 1 or 2 days later via their preferred method. If the interviewer is your point of contact, reach out to them a day or 2 later. Note that this isn't a formal follow-up inquiring about the status of your application. You should still contact them to ask about the process 1 to 2 weeks later or whenever the day they said they'd contact you has passed.[10]

    • Say something like: "Good afternoon, Mrs. Normet. I enjoyed our conversation the other day. I'm just curious to know what comes next in your hiring process?"
  2. 2

    Send a friendly email asking what you can expect. If the potential employer requested that you email instead of call, do that. Send it at an appropriate time between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM and write in a friendly semi-formal tone. Use a proper address at the beginning and a friendly salutation at the end.[11]

    • "Dear Mrs. Normet, I enjoyed getting learn more about the role. It seems like a fantastic opportunity for me if I were to be offered the position. I have a few more questions for you: What can I expect with regards to the hiring process? Is there anything I need to do before the next stage? Have a great week, Tom Lemere"
  3. 3

    Choose a non-intrusive time to call and ask what to expect. Don't call first thing in the morning or at the very end of the day because those times can be extremely busy. If the interviewer gave you a preferred window to contact them, abide by their suggestion and call within that window. Otherwise, rely on clues you gathered about the company culture during your interview.[12]

    • "Good afternoon, Mary, this is Tom Lemere. Thank you for meeting with me the other day. I'm calling to ask what I can expect to happen next in the hiring process?"
    • For instance, if it's a laid-back place with slow mornings and busy afternoons, call during the morning hours so you're not interrupting their rush hour.
  4. Advertisement

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    Is it okay to ask when a hiring decision is made?

    Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

    Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and e-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a balanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #1 Career Coach and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA by Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on Boston.com, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Technology, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University.

    Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

    Life & Career Coach

    Expert Answer

    Yes, you can ask a potential employer when you can expect to hear back, but know that they may not give you a concrete answer.

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  • Write down any questions you have about the job and the work culture before your interview.[13]

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  • Wear a soft smile when you're speaking on the phone to make you sound positive and confident.

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  • Don't call or email your point of contact more than once because it could come off as desperate or suggest you don't have appropriate communication standards.

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  • Avoid sending an email at an odd hour of the night like 3:00 AM because they'll see the time stamp and may think you have questionable habits outside of work.

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Ask-About-Next-Steps-in-the-Interview-Processs

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